Peace Prosperity and Advances in the Arts and Architecture During the Middle Kingdom Dysnasties

11 dyanasty relief mentuhotep hathor
11 thursday dynasty Relief of Mentuhotep II and Hathor , 2010-00 BC, via The Metropolitan Museum of Fine art, New York

Center Kingdom Arab republic of egypt is the period in history directly post-obit the First Intermediate Catamenia, a period largely characterized by political disunity. It was established with the reunification of Egypt in the 11 thursday dynasty around 2055 BC and its culture produced some of its greatest and about renowned works of fine art and literature. Egyptologists have yet non come up to an agreement as to which dynasty marked the official stop of the Middle Kingdom—the 12 thursday , 13 th , or 14 th. H owever, because the xiii th dynasty contained many traces of the policies, trade relationships, and artistic styles from the 12 th Dynasty, it has been included here every bit the last dynasty in the 2d height period of the aboriginal Egyptian civilization .

Reunification During 11th Dynasty Middle Kingdom Egypt

stela 11th dynasty intef wahankh
11 th dynasty Stela of King Intef Ii Wahankh , 2108-2059 BC, via The Metropolitan Museum of Fine art, New York

Towards the end of the Start Intermediate Menses, two rival dynasties rooted in the northern and southern regions of Egypt battled for command over the entire state. Lower (northern) Egypt was ruled by the ten th dynasty from Herakleopolis, and Theban royalty from the first half of the 11 th dynasty controlled Upper Egypt. This dynasty traced its origins to a Theban nomarch of the Beginning Intermediate Catamenia , Intef "the Elderberry" or "the Great" who commencement initiated the rebellion against the authorization of Herakleopolis. Mentuhotep I, his successor, followed in his footsteps and conquered surrounding districts for Thebes, strengthening the metropolis's power and prestige. Intef Two is known for taking some of the most important steps toward reunification in seizing Abydos, uniting all of the southern nomes , and challenge a divine titulary which translates to "King of Upper and Lower Arab republic of egypt."

11th dynasty statue mentuhotep
11 th dynasty Statue of Mentuhotep 2 in the Jubilee Garment , 2051-00 BC, via The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

Mentuhotep 2 ascended to the throne of Theban Upper Egypt during the First Intermediate Catamenia. Around year 14 of his reign, he sent his army off to seize Lower Egypt from Herakleopolis. After toppling these rulers, he consolidated his ability over the entire Egyptian state, successfully reuniting the whole of Arab republic of egypt before long before twelvemonth 39 of his reign and becoming the get-go king of the Middle Kingdom with Thebes as its uppercase. He was revered every bit the 2nd coming of Menes in reference to the starting time king of Egypt from the Early Dynastic Period who initially unified the country.

During the remainder of his reign every bit male monarch of a unified Egypt, Mentuhotep resumed campaigns to the south in order to regain lost Nubian territory and restored the rex'south cult which allowed the king to be worshipped as a divine beingness in his lifetime. He died later a reign of 51 years and the crown was passed onto his son, Mentuhotep Three. He continued his predecessors' work of consolidating Arab republic of egypt, as well every bit built forts to go on out enemies from the east, and sent trade expeditions to the legendary state of Punt .

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19th dynasty abydos king list
19 th dynasty Abydos King List sans Mentuhotep 4 cartouche in Abydos , via Egyptian Museum

Mentuhotep Iv'due south reign, though, is somewhat of a mystery. The last king of the eleven thursday dynasty, he is known only through a few inscriptions and is peculiarly absent from both the Abydos and the Turin Male monarch Lists. In fact, contemporary sources refer to the time corresponding to his reign as the "7 empty years". One running theory is that his vizier, Amenemhat, was actually Amenemhat I, the first king of Dynasty 12, and he overthrew (and possibly assassinated) Mentuhotep IV to gain control of the monarchy. It is likely, though, that he continued the policies of his predecessors rather successfully because the country was flourishing when Amenemhat took over the throne

First Intermediate Period Influences

11th dynasty painted wooden figures
11 thursday dynasty Painted Wooden Figures of a male (left) and female servant (correct) , via The British Museum, London

The rulership of Middle Kingdom Egypt as a whole was an endeavour to emulate the Old Kingdom . Although the literature describes the Beginning Intermediate Catamenia as a time of chaos in society to justify the re-imposition of centralized power in the Eye Kingdom, the reality was far more than complex—the political and social structure of the catamenia was permanently changed. The Get-go Intermediate Period introduced independent wealth to the Egyptian nomes that never quite existed in the highly centralized Old Kingdom government, and those changes remained upon the installation of Middle Kingdom Egypt. While the king was once more than regarded as the supreme head of land, his subordinate officials retained some of their sometime power which helped ease the transition of the Middle Kingdom into its "Classical Era."

These changes are most clearly seen in the art and literature styles of the 12 th dynasty. The influences from many different nomes tin can be seen in the architecture , literature, hieroglyphic inscriptions , paintings, and tombs of the subsequently 11 th dynasty and throughout the 12 th dynasty likewise. These conspicuously betoken that regional artistic expression was more prevalent and dynamic at this time. The works commissioned by the Former Kingdom royal court were unvarying and uniform in appearance and style, while those of the Heart Kingdom were far more various. None of these modifications could have occurred without the First Intermediate Period.

The Early twelfth Dynasty

12th dynasty painted wooden guardian
12 thursday dynasty Painted Wooden Guardian Figure , 1919-1885 BC, via The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

Amenemhat'south family would dominion the state for almost 200 years, leading Middle Kingdom Egypt to new heights in military strategy, merchandise expeditions, and artworks. He reinforced his merits to the throne through works similar The Prophecy of Neferti , a literary work prepare in the 4 thursday dynasty that served to prophesize Amenemhat's rise to the throne to restore unity and order to the country. He moved Egypt's new capital at Itjtawy, which translates to "ane who seizes the 2 Lands". Its location is equally of yet unidentified, simply it is assumed to be somewhere near Memphis.

In the twenty th year of his reign, Amenemhat I established his son, Senwosret I , as his coregent—a do commonly carried out mainly in the Eye Kingdom to ensure a shine succession. Unfortunately, Amenemhat roughshod victim to a palace assassination conspiracy and Senwosret had to cutting brusque his Libyan campaign and rush back to Itjtawy to prevent a full authorities insurrection. During his reign, Senwosret took some of the power abroad from the priesthood by constructing cult centers throughout the country and campaigned deep into Nubia seizing much of its territory for the Egyptian state. The next few successors to the throne connected the tendency of armed forces campaigns, trade expeditions, and domestic edifice ( e.g. pyramid construction ) and prosperity.

Top Of Centre Kingdom Egypt

12th dynasty seated statue senwosret
12 th dynasty Seated Statue of Senwosret Iii , 1836-18 BC, via Brooklyn Museum

Senwosret III is about well known equally the preeminent warrior-king. He spearheaded many campaigns into Nubia in order to control the southern border and was known for administrative reforms that continued to place power in the hands of a centralized government instead of regional authorities. During his later years, he brought on his son, Amenemhat Three, to serve as his coregent and eventual successor. During Amenemhat Three'due south reign, Egypt experienced its height of Eye Kingdom economic prosperity.  At that place was too an unprecedented amount of resource exploitation, such as mining in the Sinai, expeditions to the Wadi Hammamat , and the reinforcement of defenses in Nubia. After a 45-year reign, he passed the crown to his successor, Amenemhat IV.

Amenemhat Four's ix-year reign is poorly attested, only it is articulate that the throne'southward power had begun to weaken. Issues regarding succession arose peradventure in role because of Amenemhat III's extra-long reign. Later Amenemhat IV came Sobekneferu , the second female person ruler of Egypt after Merneith . Her rule was also brusk and she died without heirs, so the 12 th dynasty came to a sudden finish and with information technology so did the Golden Historic period of Middle Kingdom Arab republic of egypt.

13th Dynasty: A Decline Into The Second Intermediate Period

13th dynasty cylinder seal horus amenemhat
xiii th dynasty Cylinder Seal with the Horus name of Amenemhat VII , 1640-1550 BC, via The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

Dynasty 13 lasted from ca. 1803 BC to ca. 1649 BC and witnessed the rulership of 50 kings in approximately 150 years, although this has come up into question considering the Hyksos, foreigners of probable Levantine origin, were firmly established every bit a northern Egyptian power by ca. 1720 BC. Unlike in the previous dynasties, kingship was not unequivocally passed from begetter to son or even inside a single family, but rather shared among the elite families. While this dynasty is traditionally considered to have been weaker than its predecessor, exactly when information technology began to decline is unclear due to the bitty nature of the historical records.

It appears, though, that the 13 th dynasty kings continued the policies of the rulers of Dynasty 12 and kept the country unified. Mortuary complexes, temples, and stelae were still constructed at this fourth dimension, but the impetus that defined the Golden Age of Heart Kingdom Arab republic of egypt was no longer at that place. None of the kings had the force of the 12 th dynasty rulers. Various independent political entities began to jump up in Lower Egypt, including the Hyksos, the chief characters of the 2nd Intermediate Period , and the regime in Itjtawy was not stiff enough to stomp them out.

Similar to the transition from the Erstwhile Kingdom to the First Intermediate Period, the change from the Middle Kingdom to the Second Intermediate Menses is often characterized by anarchy. This is not accurate; the 13 thursday dynasty failed to maintain control of the country and a stronger ability rose to replace it. Although the Hyksos were foreigners, archaeological evidence indicates that they showed respect toward the religion and culture of Egypt , even going and so far every bit to combine fine art styles and adopt Egyptian royal titulary.

Art And Imagery In Middle Kingdom Egypt

12th dynasty colossal statue head
12 th dynasty Colossal Statue Head of Senwosret Iii , 1878-40 BC, via The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

Much of our fascination with Heart Kingdom Egypt lies in the dramatic shift in the art that occurred in the Classical Age, particularly during the reigns of Senwosret II, Senwosret Iii, and Amenemhat III. The archaeological remains left backside underscore these changes in the architecture , tombs, burial goods, decoration, literature, and royal sculpture, all of which must reflect profound alterations in religious beliefs and practices, the rex's office as a political and spiritual leader, and the relationship between the king and his people.

For instance, artists began to sculpt more than realistic images of the royal kings, whereas information technology was until this indicate common exercise to depict rulers equally young and strong forever. The higher up picture shows Senwosret every bit an older king consummate with wrinkles and sagging peel, which probable shows the new ideas surrounding kingship. At the same time, new types of royal cult complexes appeared, smaller and differently shaped than their Old Kingdom counterparts. The creation of over life-size statuary and sculpture became rather widespread in order to emphasize kings' rule over the Egyptian state. The imagery from Dynasty thirteen connected this stylistic trend and altered betwixt idealism and realism, often even combining the ii.

12th dynasty apotropaic rod
12 th dynasty Apotropaic rod , 1878-1640, via The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

In contrast to the monumentality of certain royal art forms, Eye Kingdom Egypt also produced many delicate and highly detailed objects. Artists paid special attention to creating exquisite designs on apotropaic pieces such as amulets, jewelry, magic wands, and rods, and faience figures of protective animals also became more popular during this time every bit evidenced by the burial appurtenances institute in royal, elite, and certain non-royal tombs.

Egyptian literature besides emerged in its true class during this period, serving the purpose of entertainment and intellectual marvel. Stories such as The Story of the Shipwrecked Sailor and The Story of Sinuhe were composed at this time and were popular enough to take been transcribed for centuries later the fact. Philosophical and didactic literature such as The Teaching of Amenemhat I , The Dialogue of a Human with His Soul , and The Satire of the Trades were also created at this fourth dimension. Afterward ancient Egyptians considered these works to exist classic examples of Egyptian literature, which, along with Sumerian literature, is among the earth'due south earliest. The achievements of Middle Kingdom Egypt, especially of the 12 th dynasty, were in many ways unrivaled and continued to advance the culture of ancient Arab republic of egypt for the balance of its history.


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