When a Woman Takes Medicine That Causes Death in Unborn Babies

More than than 50% of pregnant women take prescription or nonprescription (over-the-counter) drugs or utilise social drugs (such as tobacco and alcohol) or illicit drugs at some time during pregnancy, and use of drugs during pregnancy is increasing. In full general, drugs should not be used during pregnancy unless necessary because many can damage the fetus. Less than 2 to 3% of all birth defects result from drugs that are taken to care for a disorder or symptom.

Sometimes drugs are essential for the health of the pregnant woman and the fetus. In such cases, a woman should talk with her physician or other health intendance practitioner about the risks and benefits of taking the drug. Before taking whatever drug (including over-the-counter drugs) or dietary supplement (including medicinal herbs), a meaning woman should consult her wellness care practitioner. A health care practitioner may recommend that a woman take sure vitamins and minerals during pregnancy.

Drugs taken by a significant woman achieve the fetus primarily past crossing the placenta, the same road taken by oxygen and nutrients, which are needed for the fetus'southward growth and development. Nonetheless, drugs that do not cross the placenta may however damage the fetus past affecting the uterus or the placenta.

Drugs that a pregnant woman takes during pregnancy can affect the fetus in several ways:

  • They tin can alter the function of the placenta, normally past causing blood vessels to narrow (constrict) and thus reducing the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the fetus from the mother. Sometimes the result is a infant that is underweight and underdeveloped.

  • They can also affect the fetus indirectly. For example, drugs that lower the female parent's blood force per unit area may reduce blood flow to the placenta and thus reduce the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the fetus.

How Drugs Cross the Placenta

Some of the fetus's blood vessels are contained in tiny hairlike projections (villi) of the placenta that extend into the wall of the uterus. The female parent's claret passes through the space surrounding the villi (intervillous space). Only a sparse membrane (placental membrane) separates the mother's blood in the intervillous space from the fetus'south blood in the villi. Drugs in the female parent's claret can cross this membrane into blood vessels in the villi and pass through the umbilical string to the fetus.

How a drug affects a fetus depends on

  • The fetus'due south stage of evolution

  • The strength and dose of the drug

  • The permeability of the placenta (how hands substances pass through it)

  • Other factors related to the female parent (for example, if the mother is vomiting, she may not blot equally much of a drug, so the fetus is exposed to less of the drug)


Until recently, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) classified drugs into five categories according to the degree of risk they pose for the fetus if they are used during pregnancy. Drugs were classified from those with the least adventure to those that are highly toxic and should never be used by pregnant women because they crusade severe nativity defects. Ane example of a highly toxic drug is thalidomide. This drug causes extreme underdevelopment of arms and legs and defects of the intestine, center, and blood vessels in the babies of women who have the drug during pregnancy.

The FDA'southward classification arrangement was based largely on information from studies in animals, which frequently do not apply to people. For example, some drugs (such equally meclizine) cause birth defects in animals, merely the same effects have not been seen in people. Taking meclizine for nausea and vomiting during pregnancy does not appear to increase the gamble of having a babe with a birth defect. The classification organisation was based much less often on well-designed studies in meaning women because few such studies take been done. Thus, applying the classification organization in specific situations was hard.

Because of this problem, the FDA eliminated the five risk categories. Instead, the FDA now requires that the drug label include more information nearly the adventure of taking every drug during pregnancy. This information includes the following:

  • The risks of taking the drug during pregnancy and breastfeeding

  • The evidence that has identified these risks

  • Information to assist health care practitioners make up one's mind whether the drug should be used during pregnancy and to assistance them explicate the risks and benefits of using the drug to the woman

Typically, health intendance practitioners follow a general rule:

  • They consider giving a pregnant woman a drug to treat a disorder only when the potential do good outweighs known risks.

Often, a safer drug can be substituted for ane that is likely to cause harm during pregnancy. For prevention of blood clots, the anticoagulant heparin is preferred to warfarin. Several rubber antibiotics, such equally penicillin, are bachelor to treat infections.

Some drugs can have effects afterward they are stopped. For example, isotretinoin, a drug used to treat skin disorders, is stored in fatty beneath the skin and is released slowly. Isotretinoin tin can cause birth defects if women become significant within 2 weeks subsequently the drug is stopped. Therefore, women are brash to wait at to the lowest degree three to 4 weeks after the drug is stopped before they get pregnant.


Other vaccines (such every bit those for cholera Vaccines Cholera is a serious infection of the intestine that is caused by the gram-negative leaner Vibrio cholerae and that causes severe diarrhea, which can exist fatal without treatment. People... read more , hepatitis A Hepatitis A Vaccine The hepatitis A vaccine helps protect against hepatitis A. Typically, hepatitis A is less serious than hepatitis B. Hepatitis A often causes no symptoms, although information technology can crusade fever, nausea... read more than , hepatitis B Hepatitis A Vaccine The hepatitis A vaccine helps protect against hepatitis A. Typically, hepatitis A is less serious than hepatitis B. Hepatitis A often causes no symptoms, although it can crusade fever, nausea... read more , plague, rabies Prevention Rabies is a viral infection of the brain that is transmitted by animals and that causes inflammation of the brain and spinal cord. Once the virus reaches the spinal cord and brain, rabies is... read more than , and typhoid Vaccination Typhoid fever is caused past certain types of the gram-negative bacteria Salmonella. It typically causes a high fever and abdominal pain. Typhoid fever tin be spread by consuming food or... read more Vaccination ) are given to pregnant women only if they are at substantial risk of developing that particular infection and if the chance of side effects from the vaccine is low.

Paroxetine appears to increment the take chances of heart nascence defects. So if a pregnant woman takes paroxetine, echocardiography should be done to evaluate the fetus's centre. Yet, other SSRIs exercise not increase this hazard.

Some antiviral drugs (such as zidovudine and ritonavir for HIV infection) take been safely used during pregnancy for many years. All the same, some antiviral drugs may cause problems in the fetus. For case, some evidence suggests that when some HIV regimens with a combination of antiviral drugs are given during the 1st trimester, the risk of cleft lip and palate may exist increased.

If a significant woman gets COVID-19, her treatment team and she should hash out the risks and benefits for her and so decide whether remdesivir should exist used to care for COVID-19. Generally, experts recommend that theoretical concerns most the prophylactic of remdesivir during pregnancy should not preclude its use in pregnant women. In that location are piffling data about the effects of remdesivir on the fetus.

If a pregnant woman gets influenza, she should seek handling as before long as possible considering treating flu within 48 hours of when symptoms begin is most constructive. However, treatment at any indicate during the infection reduces the chance of severe complications. No well-designed studies of zanamivir and oseltamivir have been washed in meaning women. However, many studies based on observation bespeak that treating pregnant women with zanamivir or oseltamivir does not increase the risk of harmful effects. At that place is lilliputian or no information almost the use of other influenza drugs during pregnancy.

Acyclovir, taken past mouth or applied to the skin, appears to be safe during pregnancy.

The nigh consistent effect of smoking on the fetus during pregnancy is

The more a woman smokes during pregnancy, the less the baby is likely to counterbalance. The boilerplate nativity weight of babies born to women who smoke during pregnancy is 6 ounces less than that of babies born to women who practise not fume.

Nativity defects of the heart, brain, and confront are more mutual among babies of smokers than amongst those of nonsmokers.

Too, the risk of the post-obit may be increased:

In improver, children of women who fume take slight but measurable deficiencies in concrete growth and in intellectual and behavioral development. These effects are thought to be caused by carbon monoxide and nicotine. Carbon monoxide may reduce the oxygen supply to the body's tissues. Nicotine stimulates the release of hormones that tuck the vessels supplying claret to the uterus and placenta, so that less oxygen and fewer nutrients reach the fetus.

Because of the possible harmful effects of smoking during pregnancy, meaning women should make every endeavor to not smoke during pregnancy, including discussing strategies with their doc.

Meaning women should avoid exposure to secondhand smoke considering it may similarly damage the fetus.

Oftentimes, the nascency weight of babies born to women who drink regularly during pregnancy is substantially beneath normal. The average birth weight is virtually 4 pounds for babies exposed to big amounts of booze, compared with 7 pounds for all babies. Newborns of women who drank during pregnancy may not thrive and are more probable to die shortly after nascency.

Fetal alcohol syndrome is one of the about serious consequences of drinking during pregnancy. Binge drinking as few as three drinks a day can crusade this syndrome. It occurs in about ii of 1,000 live births. This syndrome includes the following:

  • Intellectual disability

  • Abnormal behavioral development

Whether consuming caffeine during pregnancy harms the fetus is unclear. Testify seems to advise that consuming caffeine in small amounts (for example, one cup of coffee a twenty-four hour period) during pregnancy poses piffling or no risk to the fetus.

Caffeine, which is contained in coffee, tea, some sodas, chocolate, and some drugs, is a stimulant that readily crosses the placenta to the fetus.

Some experts recommend limiting coffee consumption and drinking decaffeinated beverages when possible.

Aspartame, an artificial sweetener, appears to be safe during pregnancy when information technology is consumed in small amounts, such as in amounts used in normal portions of artificially sweetened foods and beverages. For example, pregnant women should consume no more than i liter of nutrition soda a day.

Bath salts refers to a group of designer drugs made from diverse substances that resemble amphetamine. More and more pregnant women are using these drugs.

The drugs may cause the blood vessels in the fetus to narrow, reducing the amount oxygen the fetus gets.

Also, these drugs increase the risk of the following:

If pregnant women use cocaine regularly, risk of the following is increased:

Yet, whether cocaine is the cause of those problems is unclear. For example, the crusade may exist other chance factors that are mutual in women who utilise cocaine. Such factors include cigarette smoking, use of other illicit drugs, deficient prenatal intendance, and poverty.

  • Miscarriage

  • Premature labor and delivery

Hallucinogens include methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA, or Ecstasy), rohypnol, ketamine, methamphetamine, and LSD (lysergic acrid diethylamide).

Marijuana does non cause behavioral problems in the newborn unless it is used heavily during pregnancy.

Use of opioids during pregnancy increases the risk of complications during pregnancy, such as

  • Miscarriage

  • Preterm commitment

Babies of heroin users are more probable to be small-scale.


Source: https://www.msdmanuals.com/home/women-s-health-issues/drug-use-during-pregnancy/drug-use-during-pregnancy

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